This Scripture is one of the most-spoken verses during the Christmas season. It serves as a constant reminder that God is with us. He is with us in our good and bad times. Jesus is present in our heartaches and celebrations, as well as our stumblings and victories. He is Immanuel.
God was with us while we equipped coaches and athletes to grow in Christ through God’s Word. Your support makes our ministry happen!
Will you prayerfully consider a special year-end financial gift so that more coaches and athletes in our area will become Christ-followers? Through your generosity, coaches and athletes can continue to experience God’s presence in new and deeper ways – no matter what the future holds.
Most in my area are not financially blessed and would not be able to attend a camp if scholarships were not available. Help me bless them with the opportunity to attend a camp by giving what you can whether its $5 or $10000. May God bless you for your donation and partnership with this ministry. This fund is set a side to scholarship our athletes and coaches to our many awesome camps. It is also used to purchase table for a school to one of our four banquets.
Please mail your check to North MS Delta FCA, 1880 Magnolia Manor Drive, Hernando, MS 38632. Or, go to to submit your gift online, sign up as an FCA Automatic Monthly Partner, or learn about non-cash ways of giving to FCA.